
Shantou Oriental Technology Co.,Ltd.is located in XiaShan,Chao Nan Distrist,Shantou city,Guangdong Province,CHINA Which covers over 36,000 square meters,the construction....
It mainly produces and sells a serials of aluminum monobloc aerosol can and the peoducts are being widely use for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Beauty Hair products, Self-nursing products,Car Nursing,Sanitary Products,etc....
We made investment of 280 Million RMB to import 3 Brand-New advanced high speed Automatic Aluminum Monobloc can production lines.The Production line is the best currently in Aerosol Industry in the world and also the only One Advanced high...


互助| 肇庆市| 神池县| 肇东市| 信丰县| 龙泉市| 施甸县| 台南县| 平顶山市| 林芝县| 微山县| 绥宁县| 滕州市| 芒康县| 邵武市| 景东| 城固县| 鄢陵县| 夏河县| 安阳县| 寿光市| 鹿邑县| 简阳市| 永泰县| 莲花县| 波密县| 盘山县| 吴旗县| 常宁市| 富平县| 金寨县| 临桂县| 万盛区| 清流县| 阿克陶县| 华蓥市| 雅安市| 云南省| 松滋市| 岱山县| 凯里市|